Thursday 30 August 2012

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God fatherly University



This picture depicts our aim and object to become Nar se Narayan and Nadi se Laxmi (Narayana from man and Laxmi from woman) just like the souls of Rama and Sita, in this birth of the Confluence Age and thus be eligible for the ensuing new Golden Age in fulfillment of the great task of World Transformation by the Supreme Soul God Shiva.


       This old picture of Laxmi-Narayana is one of the four main pictures prepared during Mamma-Baba's (Om Radhe & Dada Lekhraj) time on the basis of the divine visions experienced by Dada Lekhraj. The old picture was 30x40 inches in size in which the image of Laxmi-Narayan was depicted above that of Radha-Krishna in their childhood. It is mentioned in Basic Knowledge that this is so because Radha-Krishna when grown up would become Laxmi-Narayan. But this is not correct. Because, Baba has said in one murli, "What is the relationship amongst Laxmi-Narayan and Radha-Krishna?" The question of relationship would not arise if Radha-Krishna becomes Laxmi-Narayan just when grown up. They become Laxmi-Narayan through inheritance from parents.

      In murli dated 20th October 1973 Baba has said, "The first and foremost is the creator, Supreme Soul God". The creation of the Almighty creator Supreme Soul God Shiva, who is like an infinitesimally small subtle point of coscient light, would also be similar in nature. That is why Brahma, Vishnu & Shankar of Trimurty have been shown in subtle bodies down below Him in this picture. God Shiva descends on earth in the confluence age in order to accomplish three divine acts of world transformation including the establishment of heaven through the corporeal medium of the three personalities of Trimurty. In fact, God Shiva gets the task of corporeal creation done through corporeal confluence-aged Laxmi-Narayan, whereas soul of Narayana is same as that of Shankar. Below Trimurty in this picture, confluence-aged Laxmi-Narayan the creators of the corporeal world of heaven, have been shown in corporeal bodies above their corporeal creation Radha-Krishna also shown in corporeal bodies as children. This picture has thus been arranged in the order of creators first and then creation.
      Proper judgement under different headings given in the picture would reveal a good deal of deep knowledge involved in the picture of Laxmi-Narayan.

     The First Heading at the top of Picture:
The Creators of Heaven and their divine Creation:
(Swarga ke Rachayta aur unki doivi Rachna)

      As mentioned in the murli points at SNo. 4 & 5 below Heaven is created in this confluence age. The words 'creators' and 'their' in the heading are plural and so indicate that it is attributed for more than one corporeal personality. Down below Trimurty, the images of the corporeal bodies of Laxmi-Narayana have been shown just above the images of the corporeal bodies of Radha-Krishna, indicating that the corporeal Laxmi & Narayana are the creators of the corporeal creation of Radha & Krishna. The heading indicates that there is more than one creator of golden-aged heaven. This is because, in the corporeal world of heaven two corporeal creators (persons), mother and father are required for creating a corporeal child. The heading also indicates that there are more than one corporeal creation and they are Radha and Krishna. The Laxmi & Narayana of the confluence age are the parents (creators) of the two children (creations) Radha & Krishna in the Golden Age. That is why the images of Laxmi-Narayana have been shown above those of Radha-Krishna.
      Laxmi-Narayana got Varsa (blessing of godly inheritance) directly from the Supreme Soul God Shiva in the confluence age to become god and godess (Bhagawan-Bhagawati) so that they can give birth to deity (Devi-Devta) children, Radha-Krishna in the Golden Age. Following murli points may be seen.

1). "They become Laxmi & Narayana by dint of this Rajyoga (Rajyoga meditation) in this verypurushotwam Sangamyuga (confluence age the best and the highest)". (Murli dated 5th December 1974).

2). "These Laxmi & Narayana are called Bhagawan & Bhagawati. Supreme Soul God bestowed Varsaupon them". (Murli dated 18th January 1971).

3). "The highest Varsa is obtained from Father the highest of the highest. They are the Bhagawan-Bhagawati. Next in the second place comes Laxmi-Narayana of Satyuga (Golden Age) as its Malik(King)". (Murli dated 8th January 1075).

4). "Father is the creator of heaven. Then He would surely confer Varsa of heaven and definitely confer the same in this hellish world". (Murli dated 9th June 1974).
      (God Father Shiva is the foremost creator of heaven as He gets the actual task of creation through corporeal medium, the confluence-aged Laxmi-Narayana on whom He bestowed Varsa for the purpose).

5). "When was the kingdom of this Laxmi-Narayana? Neither in Kaliyuga (Iron Age) nor in Satyuga (Golden Age). The establishment of Swarga (Heaven/Paradise) takes place only in Sangamyuga(Confluence Age). This does not enter in others' intellect". (Murli dated 16th November 1971).

      Second Heading:
Golden-aged divine self-sovereignty is your godly birth right.
(Satyugi doivi swarajya aapka Ishwariya janmasiddha adhikar)

      This heading is written below Trimurty just above the crowned head of Laxmi-Narayan of the confluence age. They heard Gita Jyan (spiritual knowledge) direct from Supreme Soul God Father Shiva thus getting spiritual birth and hence should get divine sovereignty as birth right through Varsafrom Him. Father has said,

6). "When it is a birth right then it is obtained only after taking birth ". (Murli dated 29th January 1975)

      During the confluence age only we get divine Brahmin birth after hearing spiritual divine knowledge (Gita Jyan) directly from the Supreme Soul God Shiva sermonized through the corporeal medium, Brahma. As a result we get divine birth right of all godly inheritances like divine self-sovereignty (doivi swarajya) and so by spiritual efforts would become deities, nar se Narayan (god) and Nadi se Laxmi (goddess) that is Narayana from man and Laxmi from woman, in this birth in this confluence age. In murli dated 17th July 1974 it is mentioned that:

7). "Father is saying; now you children are going to be nar se Narayan and Nadi se Laxmi". (Murli dated 17th July 1974) and in murli dated 5th December 1974 Father has said,

8). "How this Laxmi-Narayan has become the Lord of heaven? Now Father is telling you that you have got the sovereignty by dint of this Rajyoga (Rajyoga meditation) in this very Purushotwam Sangamyuga (the greatest confluence age)". (Murli dated 5th December 1974).

      It is like getting certificate of medical doctorship in this birth after going through medical course and passing the final examination in this birth only, not in the next birth. Radha-Krishna will get deity status by virtue of birth in the Golden Age as birth right from their parents, Laxmi-Narayan of the confluence age.

      In the picture, confluence-aged Laxmi-Narayan has been shown standing within a world of divine light. This glowing light around Laxmi-Narayana is not only the light of purity which is shown around the head, but also the light of perfection in spiritual knowledge received by them through spiritual efforts (purusharth) directly from the Supreme Soul God Shiva in the confluence age. On the other hand, down below Laxmi-Narayan, Radha-Krishna are shown standing amidst natural greeneries of the corporeal world in the Golden Age as they are born in this natural environmentwhere there is no knowledge.

      In the picture the whole body of Laxmi-Narayan has been decorated with ornaments and jewellaries. This in fact is the decoration of the divine virtues they attained by spiritual efforts. There are also two crowns on their head. The one on back side is meant for purity and the one in front is meant for the responsibility conferred on them by Supreme Soul God Shiva for establishing heaven. Laxmi-Narayan holds cent percent purity and the full responsibility of carrying out the great task of world transformation from hell to heaven.
       Third Heading:
The Period 1 to 2500 years.
(Sambat 1 se 2500 varsh)

       This heading is writen below the feet of Laxmi-Narayana. It indicates that the dynasty of kingdom started by the confluence-aged Laxmi-Narayana would continue for 2500 years, thus covering half of the total period (5000 years) of Kalpa of the four Ages. This dynasty starts in between end part ofPurushotwam Sangamyuga and the beginning of the practical Golden Age. This dynasty will continue for 1250 years in the Golden Age under the rule of 8 different golden-aged Laxmi-Narayana, the first one being Radha-Krishna after their coronation by their parents (that is confluence-aged Laxmi-Narayana). The souls of confluence-aged Laxmi-Narayana are actually the souls of Ram-Sita and they would after rebirths become first emperor-empress of the Silver Age and would start the dynasty of Ram-Sita in that age. That dynasty also will continue for another 1250 years so that the total period of the two dynasties would be of 2500 years. In this connection Father has said:

9). "They now know that-'We become Laxmi-Narayana (confluence-aged). We too would become Ram-Sita (in Silver Age')". (Murli dated 25th May 1972).

10). "There were kingdoms of Laxmi-Narayana in the Golden Age. They would again rule also in the Silver Age". (Murli dated 9th November 1972).

       Fourth Heading:
 Golden-aged Great King of the world Shri Narayana and Great Queen Shri Laxmi.
(Satyugi Vishwa Maharajan Shri Narayana tatha Vishwa Maharani Shri Laxmi)

      This heading is writen just below the images of Laxmi-Narayana in the picture.
      The word Vishwa means the entire world of all 550 crore (5500 million) population in the Confluence Age and not the Golden Age. In the Golden Age there will be only 9 lakhs (0.9 million) of population to begin with and 2 crores (20 millions) by its end and the kingdom will be limited within a small part ofIndia, while rest of the world will be under ice or water. In murli dated 6th June 1972 Father has said,

11). "There will be water everywhere except Bharat (India)".  (Murli dated 6th June 1972) and

12). "In the New World (Golden & Silver Ages) there was only Bharat". (Murli dated 9th July 1990).

In order to control the whole world the confluence-aged Laxmi-Narayana gets the full power through yoga from the Supreme Soul God Shiva who remains on earth in the confluence age only. Father has said:

13). "This Laxmi-Narayana is knowldgeful and so is the Lord of the world. The unknowledgeable cannot beome Lord". (Murli dated 27th April 1974).

14). "There will be fools in the Golden Age. This Laxmi-Narayana (obviously of Golden Age) does not have any sort of knowledge" (Murli dated 17th April 1971).
      Supreme Soul God Shiva sermonizes divine knowledge only in the Confluence Age when He descends on earth. Divine knowledge is not there in the Golden Age as well as in the Silver Age and is not needed at all as people there are all deities.

     The titles, Vishwa Maharajan and Vishwa Maharani, are thus meant for Laxmi-Narayana of the Confluence Age.

        Fifth Heading:
Great Prince Shri Krishna and great Princess Shri Radha before their swamvar.
(Swamvarpurb Maharajkumar Shri Krishna and Maharajkumari Shri Radhe)

      This heading is given just above images of Radha-Krishna. The word swamvar means self-selection as husband and wife. In this heading Radha-Krishna has been mentioned as Maharajkumari and Maharajkumar (great princess and great prince). Obviously, there must be some great king and great queen as their parents from whom they can inherit such titles. Yes, their parents are the confluence-aged Laxmi-Narayana who become deities as godly birthright as well as got the titles Vishwa Maharajan and Vishwa Maharani (great king and great queen of the world) directly from the Supreme Soul God Shiva through spiritual efforts (purusharth) and yogic power in the Confluence Age. It is mentioned in murli that "What is the relationship amongst Laxmi-Narayan and Radha-Krishna?"  In fact Radha-Krishna are born as twins, which is evident from their features in the picture. Moreover, in murli dated 10th March 1974 it is said, "Nobody becomes widow etc. there (in Golden Age). They (souls of husband & wife) remain together (as spouses) in all 21 births" (during the period of Golden Age and Silver Age).

15). "In reality Radha-Krishna are prince-princess. They are their own brother & sister" (Murli dated 10thDecember 1972). Also it is said, "In the Golden Age you were your own brother and sister and there was no other relationship" (Murli dated 2nd May 1974).

       Gold-complexioned Laxmi-Narayan and Satopradhan Stage.

       Confluence-aged Laxmi-Narayan would get their vicious and degraded body transformed into viceless gold-complexion in this very spiritual life by yogic power (Power of meditation). Baba has said,

16). "You are becoming so much gold-complexioned by yogic power. Both your soul and body are becoming gold-complexioned. It is becoming in this very Purushotwam Confluence Age". (Murli dated 15th December 1974).

      Confluence-aged Laxmi-Narayan get the boon of becoming disease free and gold-complexioneddirectly from the Supreme Soul God Shiva. Through spiritual efforts and Rajyoga meditation their souls with mind and intellect would first be changed from Tomopradhan to Rajo, then to Satosamasnyoand finally to Satopradhan. Along their change to Satopradhan stage then only their body would become free from diseases and gold-complexioned, when there would be simultaneous change in the nature, in the climate etc in the physical world (Prakruti) as well. Father has said,
17). "Father has come to make you children 100 percent healthy for 21 births". (Murli dated 21st October 1974).

18). "In the end when you would reach complete Karmatit stage then your body would be free from deseases ". (Murli dated 28th February 1973.

19). "Children also transform the five elements (of the body) to Satopradhan through yogic power. Nature also has to be made Satopradhan. Then only there would be world transformation". (Avyakt Vani dated 20th May 1973).

      Radha-Krishna take birth from their disease free and gold-complexioned (Nirogi Kanchan Kaya) parents (confluence-aged Laxmi-Narayan), by virtue of which they also become gold complexioned and free from diseases.

        With regard to becoming Satopradhan God Father Shiva has said,
20). "I am such a good washer man. I am cleansing your (body like) clothes to such a great extent. Have you seen such a washer man"? (Murli dated  22nd May 1975).

      Father has also explained the scientific process involved in this Satopradhan by comparing it to the changing of skins by snakes a number of times without shedding the body.

21). "The snake removes one skin and takes another. This is not called death - it is like getting a new body after changing the old one (skin). You are to develop this practice here (through yogic power)." (Murli dated 22nd February 1975).

      Ram-Sita are the confluence-aged Laxmi-Narayana. In the year 2018  they would become completely disease free, gold complexioned & satopradhan, and at that time only their children Radha-Krishna would be born. In 2036, the 18 year old Radha-Krishna would be coroneted as Laxmi-Narayana of the Golden Age and start ruling the kingdom of the Golden Age. Thus Radha-Krishna are the first Laxmi-Narayana (Emperor-Empress) of the Golden Age and this title they inherit from their parents as birth right.

      Souls of Ram-Sita are the same as those of confluence-aged Laxmi-Narayan. After the destruction of the Iron Age around 2018 they are the first persons to appear in the beginning of the New Age (Paradise of the Golden Age). This New Age is termed as the practical Golden Age in 2036 when Radha-Krishna is coronated as the first head of Laxmi-Narayan dynasty by their parents (Ram-Sita who are confluence-aged Laxmi-Narayan. Radha-Krishna is born in this New Age around 2018. Hence God Father says,

22). "Question arises whether Ram-Sita comes in Satyuga (Golden Age)? Yes, they do come. But they failed (in the confluence age). So they bow down before those Laxmi and Narayan who passed (and becomes king/queen in the Golden Age). The souls (of Dada Lekhraj & Om Radhe) who become Radha-Krishna will be Laxmi-Narayan of Golden Age. Ram-Sita their parents become their best Dass-Dassi (male & maid servants)". (Murli dated 3rd June 1973).

23). "Father of Vehad (entire soul world) is the servant of all children of vehad. Isn't the loukik Baap (father in a family of the corporeal world) also the similar servant?" (Murli dated 4th February 1974).

24). "Isn't Baap (loukik father) becomes the obedient servant of their children? Baap is responsible for the birth of the child, bears him up with great care, provides his education and makes him grow up. And finally when he (Baap) becomes old he gives all his properties and belongings to the children and himself becomes Vanaprasti (who adopts spiritual life in a secular place). So, is it not the same as parent's becoming servant of their children?" (Murli dated 16th October 1974).

      Thus, Ram-Sita as parents becomes the number one Dass-Dassi of their children Radha-Krishna. Otherwise there is no question of having any Dass-Dassi in the Golden Age.

        Godly Message (Ishwariya Sandesh)

      At the bottom of the picture of Laxmi-Narayana a godly message is written as follows,
      "In the forthcoming 10 years immorality and vices will come to an end from Bharat. Then after the terrible world war the kingdom of Shri Laxmi-Shri Narayana of Sun-dynasty is going to be established very soon in the Golden Age".

      This announcement was made in Murli in 1966, so that the destruction (due to war & natural calamities) mentioned in this murli was to happen after 10 years that is, in the year 1976. But actually it did not happen because, this destruction was not meant for material/physical world of Bharat (India), but it is meant for the destruction of vices and immorality. The real meaning of the announcement was not understood at that time. Because Father has said, "The unlimited Father (Vehadka Baap) speaks to His children of the unlimited world in an unlimited manner".

      From Advance Knowledge we know that the subtle meaning of Bharat here is Mata-Pita (mother & father) of Bharat (India). Immorality and vices were eliminated in 1976 from the mind and intellect of this Mata-Pita who represent Bharat and thus they got a new aloukik (spiritual) birth about which Father has said in a murli of 1966 rivised in 1975 as given in SN. 25 below,

25). "You all will tell when this Laxmi-Narayana was born? It was 5000 years less 10 years ago from today. Then tomorrow (after one year) you will say 5000 years less 9 years ago". (Murli dated 6thMarch 1975).

      If it were 5000 years back (i.e. in previous Kalpa) then it would have been 1966. But since it is 5000 less 10 i.e. 4990 years back then it would be 1976. According to the second statement also it will be 1976. (There is a reason for confirming by the second statement, so that nobody can misinterpret this, as Vishnu Party tried but had to give up). Thus, in 1976 this Maat-Pita (souls of Laxmi-Narayana i.e. of Ram-Sita) became totally viceless & pure and also was revealed to the new world of Advance Party which was established in the same year 1976.

      Our aim object as projected in this picture should be to become Nar se Narayan and Nadi se Laxmi(Narayana from man and Laxmi from woman) just like the souls of Rama and Sita, in this birth of the Confluence Age and thus be eligible for the ensuing new Golden Age in fulfillment of the great task of World Transformation by the Supreme Soul God Shiva.

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