Thursday 30 August 2012

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 In the time continuum the history of mankind is a drama which is being immutably repeated endlessly in cyclic order at an interval of 5000 years since unknown antiquity and will continue eternally. It has no evidence of beginning and no prospect of ending.

Brief Synopsis:

In the year 1936-37 Supreme Soul God Shiva made four souls instrumental for selecting 9 lakhs (0.9 million) souls who will change themselves to deity character by spiritual efforts so as to be eligible and instrumental for the establishment of the Golden Age. Of these four souls the main hero actor of the world drama is the soul of Rama and the main heroine actress is the soul of Krishna that is Dada Lekhraj. The othe two are the souls of Jagadamba (Gita Mata) and Sita (Adi Radha). Through these souls Supreme Soul God has been carrying the the foundation, Planning etc of 5000 years’ world drama since 1936-37.

In the year 1948-49 Supreme Soul God Shiva started sermonizing spiritual knowledge, Murli after entering the corporeal body of Dada Lekhraj when he attained the Vanaprasthi age of 60 years. Everybody realized this spiritual knowledge to be extremely exhilarating and innovative and became fully convinced that such spiritual knowledge was being delivered by the Supreme Soul God Himself through Dada Lekhraj after entering his body and by none else. Since then only (that is from 1948-49) they could ascertain the appropriate and correct way to do spiritual efforts for attaining deity character so as to be eligible for the Golden Age. At the same time Godly Message (Ishwariya Sandesh) has to be conveyed to others as well that “Supreme Soul God has come on earth for establishing the new World Order, Golden Age after transforming the present vicious and hell-like Iron Age. And one has to make spiritual efforts by following the Gita Gyan (true spiritual knowledge) sermoniuzed by God himself so that he can be eligible for the Golden Age and also remain safe from the terrible situations and mishaps that will arise at the time of destruction.”

Making spiritual efforts is like doing rehearsal of the world drama so as to attain divine character and be eligible for the Golden Age. And to convey Godly Message is like doing shooting when new souls would be imbibed for making similar erfforts with the same purpose.

In the scriptures and mythologies that grossly represent the prehistoric eventualities, it is conventional that God created first a pair of man and woman (Adam and Eve) in the Confluence Age and sent them to Paradise. It is mentioned that around 3000 BC Paradise was there in India and in fact it was there about 5000 years (3000 BC +2000 AD) ago from now.
Then there was the dawn of the Golden Age followed by Silver Age, Copper Age and Iron Age each of 1250 years over a total period of 5000 years known as Kalpa. Two arms of the world drama wheel represent the Golden and Silver Ages and the two arms on left hand side represent the Copper and Iron Ages. During 2500 years of Golden (Satyuga) and Silver Ages (Tretayuga) mankind passes through 21 generations with completely balanced life of love and law and cent percent virtuous Adi Sanatan Deity religion established by God Shiva through Adi Dev Brahma (by Godly Power), and people are governed by virtue of godly discipline of this religion and enjoy unending peace, joy, happiness, fraternity and prosperity. And even an iota of evil attributes is meticulously absent during this period. As such there is no need of Yoga/remembering God and performing any spiritual ritual/devotion during the period of these two Ages (Yugas).

Through the following 63 generations of mankind, as Copper Age (Dwaparyuga) sets in, faster weathering of divine virtues and moral values and infringement of vices and evil habits take place, and subsequent infiltration of sex lust, anger, greed, attachment and ego transform the once Paradise into a veritable Hell, overwhelmed with corruption, terrorism, warfare, miseries etc at the end of the Iron Age.

In order to provide with respite, time to time religious Fathers like Abraham, Buddha, Christ, Shankaracharya, Mohammed etc descend from the soul world to rejuvenate human morality. They have come and left the world after establishing their excellent religious cult. Three major religions such as Islam religion, Buddhist religion and Christian religion were established respectively by Abraham, Buddha and Jesus Christ through soul power as indicated in the world drama wheel besides Adi Sanatan Deity religion.
Many Preceptors/Gurus of different religions have since been conferring religious and spiritual teachings even now for moralupliftment and other benefit of mankind. But unfortunately, still by the end of the Iron Age (Kaliyuga), vices and evil habits percolate through all spheres of human life, and moral degradation and downfall of human beings, their miseries, sufferings etc touch the bottom line. When all human efforts thus fail the Supreme Soul God comes down on earth in the Confluence Age to liberate the human race and reestablish Paradise/Golden Age the beginning of the world drama cycle.

Now it is auspicious Confluence Age comprising the end part of the Iron Age and the beginning of the Golden Age. During the Confluence Age Supreme Soul God descends on earth as mentioned above and carries out the great task of transforming the present downgraded Iron-Aged world to Paradise/Golden Age. Then world history and geography repeats dramatically and immutably every Kalpa of 5000 years.

And thus the drama of 5000 years is repeated exactly in the similar manner without any change what so ever. For that purpose shooting/rehearsal of the drama occurs during the Confluence Age (Sangamyuga) which starts towards the end of Iron Age in 1936-37 when the Supreme Soul God comes down on earth and sermonizes divine spiritual knowledge (Murli) and rajyoga meditation through corporeal medium.

During the shooting period the downtrodden human souls of the Iron Age would transform themselves to deity character by spiritual efforts by following the spiritual knowledge and practicing rajyoga meditation. Some of them (0.45 million) would get elevated to deity stage with whom Paradise/Golden Age would commence. The remaining souls would get purified and salvation through powerful vibrations of Shankar as shown at the top of the Kalpa Tree, while retreating to the Soul World along with the supreme Soul God after destruction. The retreat of the souls to the Soul World is also shown in the world drama wheel at its top.

: World Drama Wheel:

Basic Knowledge on World Drama Wheel

The World Drama Wheel apparently provides some basic knowledge on the history of mankind during the cycle of Kalpa which gets repeated every 5000 years. In short it is described as a wheel of creation with four arms representing four Ages (Yuga), the four Acts of the world drama, each being of 1250 years. Two arms on the right hand side symbolize Heavens of Golden and Silver Ages, while the two arms on the left hand side symbolize Hell of Copper and Iron Ages. Heaven begins after Hell followed by Heaven again. In this way cycle of Heaven and Hell gets repeated eternally every 2500 years each over the period of 5000 years’ Kalpa, that is, the drama of 5000 years is repeated eternally exactly in the similar manner without any change what so ever.

In this way the world drama wheel goes on rotating every 5000 years of Kalpa after Kalpa through Golden, Silver, Copper and Iron Ages eternallyThis much is known through Basic Divine Knowledge. But along with this basic knowledge when we go deep into the Murlis then a number of new points/clarifications creep up. For this reason God Father says, “Rotate the Swadarshan Chakra (wheel of knowledge of self”, by which one can know his role in each birth during the four Ages of the drama. And this is the real significance of the World Drama Wheel of the four Ages.
It may be mentioned that only nine lakh (0.9 million) souls will take maximum of 84 births, 21 births in Golden and Silver Ages and 63 births in Copper and Iron Ages. A few souls will take only one birth just before the destruction of the Iron Age.

In this way by going very deep into murlis, by thinking, contemplating and churning over their real meaning many points get revealed which will clarify the true knowledge of the religious scriptures which are actually related to the world drama.

Sangamyuga (Confluence Age)
In order to transform the Hell (Iron Age) to Heaven (Golden Age) a verysmall period is needed at the confluence of end portion of the Iron Age and the beginning portion of the Golden Age as shown in the picture by a small arrow. As mentioned in Murli this small period is the Sangamyuga(Confluence Age) of 50-60 years during which a few human souls make special spiritual efforts to change themselves to deity status of the Golden Age and make firm determination (Sankalp) for establishing the Golden Age after transforming the Iron Age.

A maximum of 100 years has also been mentioned in Murli as the period ofSangamyuga (Confluence Age) which starts in 1936-37 when Supreme Soul God descended on earth; so that it will end in 2036-37. In some murli a minimum of 40 years has been mentioned as the period ofSangamyuga that is upto 1976-77 which is a very significant year. In this year revelation of Shankar and Laxmi-Narayana takes place to some Brahmin children who formed the New Age of Advance Party under the banner of Shankar.

In some other Murli a period of 50 years, while in some other Murli a period of 50-60 years has been indicated. Though three-four different types of period for Sangamyuga have been mentioned there is nothing to be puzzled about it. This has been indicated according to the circumstances so that a 40 year period of Sangamyuga is all right on the basis of the significance as mentioned above. And also the 100 year period of Sangamyuga is also perfectly all right, because the practical Satyuga (Golden Age) would commence in the year 2036-37 that is after 100 years from the descendance of the Supreme Soul God on earth in 1936-37 the beginning ofSangamyuga, though Kaliyuga (Iron Age) will end much earlier to 2036.
For establishing Paradise/Golden Age shooting/rehearsal of the drama is needed during the Confluence Age (Sangamyugawhich starts towards the end of Iron Age in 1936-37 when the Supreme Soul God comes down on earth and sermonizes divine spiritual knowledge (Murli) and rajyoga meditation through a corporeal medium. By following spiritual discipline and practicing rajyoga meditation that is by doing rehearsal for the Golden Age, human soul can attain deity status needed for Paradise/Golden Age. 

Shooting Period and Rehearsal of the World Drama
In the year 1936-37 Supreme Soul God Shiva made four souls instrumental for selecting 9 lakhs (0.9 million) souls who will change themselves to deity character by spiritual efforts so as to be eligible and instrumental for the establishment of the Golden Age. Of these four souls the main hero actor of the world drama is the soul of Rama and the main heroine actress is the soul of Krishna that is Dada Lekhraj. The othe two are the souls of Jagadamba (Gita Mata) and Sita (Adi Radha). Through these souls Supreme Soul God has been carrying the the foundation, Planning etc of 5000 years’ world drama since 1936-37.

In the year 1948-49 Supreme Soul God Shiva started sermonizing spiritual knowledge, Murli after entering the corporeal body of Dada Lekhraj when he attained the Vanaprasthi age of 60 years. Everybody realized this spiritual knowledge to be extremely exhilarating and innovative and became fully convinced that such spiritual knowledge was being delivered by the Supreme Soul God Himself through Dada Lekhraj after entering his body and by none else. Since then only (that is from 1948-49) they could ascertain the appropriate and correct way to do spiritual efforts for attaining deity character so as to be eligible for the Golden Age. At the same time Godly Message (Ishwariya Sandesh) has to be conveyed to others as well that “Supreme Soul God has come on earth for establishing the new World Order, Golden Age after transforming the present vicious and hell-like Iron Age. And one has to make spiritual efforts by following the Gita Gyan (true spiritual knowledge) sermoniuzed by God himself so that he can be eligible for the Golden Age and also remain safe from the terrible situations and mishaps that will arise at the time of destruction.”

Making spiritual efforts is like doing rehearsal of the world drama so as to attain divine character and be eligible for the Golden Age. And to convey Godly Message is like doing shooting when new souls would be imbibed for making similar erfforts with the same purpose.

God Father has said in murli, “This is also a drama just as you have drama here. Yours is a short period drama of life and death within the limited years of the material world, while this is the drama of 5000 years of unlimited world. Just you have shooting in your drama there is also shooting/rehearsal of this drama”. Its shooting/rehearsal takes place during the Sangamyuga (Confluence Age) and there would certainly be specific time for shooting of different Acts (of the four Ages /Yuga).

Four Ages (Yugas) are like four Acts of the world drama and the shooting/ rehearsal of each Yuga has to be carried out at different point of time ofSangamyuga (Confluence Age). It is not known when this drama first started in the infinite past, but the first scene of the drama must have been the very beginning of the Golden Age with human souls having perfectly deity character of purity, love, fraternity and other divine virtues. So, shooting/rehearsal of the Golden Age has to be started first. 

During the shooting period Godly Message (Ishwariya Sandesh) of World Transformation from Iron Age to Paradise/Golden Age and spiritual knowledge is given by the Brahmin Children to the downtrodden human souls of the Iron Age, so that they can transform themselves to deity character by spiritual efforts that is by following the spiritual discipline and practicing rajyoga meditation. Only a few (0.45 million) of them who had the same role in the previous Kalpa would get elevated to perefect deity stage, and with them Paradise/Golden Age would commence. The spiritual effort is like doing rehearsal of drama for attaining deity character so that they can step into the Golden Age.
Out of the remaining souls (about 700 crores/7000 million) some would carry out rehearsal for some time but give up afterwards, some may resume again in accordance to their role in the drama. Some souls will hear the Godly Message but will not do any rehearsal (spiritual efforts). In any case all souls would get purified and salvation through powerful vibrations of Shankar as shown at the top of the Kalpa Tree, while retreating to the Soul World (Paramdham/Shantidham) along with the supreme Soul God after destruction. The retreat of the souls to the Soul World is also shown in the world drama wheel at its top.

From the Soul World the souls will descend on earth at the appropriate time of their role and take human birth through mother’s womb and resume their pre-ordained part in the drama.
The souls will appear in Golden and Silver Ages at different point of time depending on the degree of their spiritual efforts made in the Confluence Age after hearing the Godly Message (Ishwariya Sandesh).

Supreme Soul God Shiva has not yet given any clear cut and firm dates of commencing the shooting period of the four Ages as well as their duration. God Father has said not to be date conscious. In what follows these are based on deep thinking, contemplating and churning of a few Brahmin children and so should be considered only as an extreme possibility but not to be taken for granted. The extreme possibility is based on 100 years as the maximum period of Confluence Age (from 1936-37 to 2036-37) and on the fact that practical Golden Age has to commence from 2036-37.

Shooting for Golden Age
Though Sangamyuga (Confluence Age) begins in 1936-37 shooting for Golden Age could commence only after 10-12 years during which Supreme Soul God has been carrying the the foundation, Planning etc of 5000 years’ world drama since 1936-37 through Dada Lekhraj and others (Souls of Rama, Gita Mata & adi Radha) who were present at the time of descendance of Supreme Soul God Shiva on earth.  So shooting for Golden Age should be taken to have started from 1948-49 (after 12 years from 1936-37) when Ishwariya Sandesh (Murli) started being sermonized by Supreme Soul God Shiva through Dada Lekhraj.

Again, according to Advance Knowledge there is another important aspect of world drama wheel which emphasizes that each Age (Yuga) during its shooting period will pass through four stages the first being the stage of purity & virtues, such as Satopradhan which is the stage of perfection in purity & truth, then SatosamanyaRajopradhan and order of degree of perfection, the last being Tamopradhan stage devoid of any virtue. So, from this consideration also the year 1948-49 has to be Satopradhan and it was so. Because, God father Shiva started entering Dada Lekhraj and sermonizing Murli and all members of Om Mandali  used to reside in strictly secluded place in Karachi (now in Pakistan) in the companion of corporeal father (Brahmababa/Dada Lekhraj) and no one was allowed go out and could meet any Tamasic person. Father has said in Murly, “When you don’t even see the face of any Tamasic person then with whom your mind will be attached? Only with Baap (corporeal father). Then what will be your stage, chastity or unchastity? Surely it will be the satopradhan stage (chastity).”

So, the period of stay in Karachi was cent percent pure and Satopradhanand was a sample of the first year of practical Golden Age to be established. Thus from the above considerations the Satopradhan shooting of the Golden Age took place at that time from the year 1948-49 in Karachi. 

Shooting Period for Golden and other Ages.
(The shooting periods given below are yet to be confirmed by Shivbaba and likely to change before the new era begins in 2018-19.)

Shooting Period for Golden Age:
Though the shooting period for the Golden Age should be taken to be 40 years from 1936-37 upto 1976-77, but in practical it is 28 years from 1948-49 upto 1976-77.

In Hindu religious scriptures life of Golden Age (Satyuga), Silver Age (Tretayuga) and Copper Age (Dwaparyuga) has been respectively mentioned to be four times, three times and two times of that of Iron Age (Kaliyuga) by the ancient sages based on their meditation and spiritual contemplation on the past.  Since the duration of each of these Ages is 1250 years the above mentioned life relates to the shooting period of these Ages. So the shooting period the Golden Age would be much more than that of other Ages just as in the case of erecting the first floor of a building more time than other floors is required in collecting materials for construction and making the foundation of the base.
Now, the shooting period of the Golden Age would be upto 1976-77 in consideration of the following:
1. Sangamyuga commenced in the year 1936-37 when Supreme Soul God descended on earth and in one murli a minimum of 40 years has been mentioned as the period of Sangamyuga that is upto 1976-77. 
2. Rama’s soul will complete 100 years in the mortal world (Mrityu Lok) in 1976-77 because when God Shiva entered him in 1936-37 he had to be 60 years old.
3. In 1976-77 Rama’s soul was revealed to some knowledgeable Brahmin souls (of Advance Party) as Shankar after Brahma’s role for 30 years was completed and Advance Party was constituted through him.
4.  In 1976-77 Laxmi (Sita/Adi Radha’s soul) and Narayana (Rama’s soul) ofSangamyuga took divine birth after attaining complete stage of purity and perfection.

Thus, on the basis of the above the practical shooting for Golden Age started in 1948-49 and completed in 1976-77, so that shooting period of the Golden Age should be 28 years.
Now, in order to honour the divine sayings of ancient sages in Hindu religious scriptures as mentioned above, the shooting period of the Golden Age should be taken to be four times of that of the Iron Age. So, in order that the shooting period of the Golden Age has to be 28 years as well as four times of that of the Iron Age, the shooting period of the Iron Age should be 7 years.

Shooting Period for Silver Age:

Shooting period of the Silver Age is 21 years from 1976-77 to 1997-98.
As mentioned above the shooting period of Silver Age has to be 3 times that of the Iron Age so that it shoud be 21 years from the end of the shooting period of the Golden Age, that is from 1976-77 upto 1997-98. During this shooting period some remarkable incidence took place relevant to this Age. These are:
1.  The shooting has to begin in Satopradhan stage and it is so, because the divine birth of Laxmi-Narayana at their stage of perfection took place in 1976-77 when this shooting started after the end of the shooting of the Golden age.
2. In one murli 5o-60 years has been mentioned as the period of Sangamyugathat is upto 1996-97/98. 
3. Hundred years of mortal life of Krishna (soul of Dada Lekhraj) would complete in this period. In 1948-49 Dada Lekhraj attained Vanaprasthastage of 60 years when Supreme Soul God started entering him; so his mortal life become 100 years in 1988-89 (1948-49+40) which is within in the shooting period of the Silver Age.
4. God Father has said in one murli that it takes 50-60 years for establishing theRajdhani (Heavenly capital). This Rajdhani was duly completed in the year 1996-97 in Vijay Vihar, New DelhiIndia by the Supreme Soul God through Shankar the head of the Advance Party.

Shooting Period for Copper & Iron Ages:

Shooting period of the Copper Age is 14 years from 1997-98 to 2011-12.
As mentioned above shooting period of Copper Age has to be 2 times that of the Iron Age so that it shoud be 14 years from the end of the shooting period of the Silver Age, that is from 1997-98 and will continue upto 2011-2012.
The most remarkable incidence in Dwapar Yuga (Copper Age) is the safe removal of newly born Krishna on Janmasthami (day of his birth) from the jail of king Kansa to safe place. Sangamyugi Krishna (Rama’s soul) also got release from Kansa’s jail at Farrukhabad in UP, India on Janmasthami day of 1998. This Janmasthami day is most auspicious and Satopradhan. Thus after the end of shooting of Silver Age, the shooting of the Copper Age started in Satopradhan stage in the year 1998 as it should be.

During the shooting period of Copper Age another noteable & important incidence is the spiritual Ganga Sagar Mela (Fair/gathering) held in the year 1999-2000 in Calcutta at the spiritual centre of the Adhyatmik Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya, which concided with the worldly Ganga Sagar Mela held every year at the confluence of river Ganga (Ganges) with Bay of Bengal (ocean). In this spiritual Ganga Sagar Mela also thousands of PBK Brahmin souls from all over the world (representing the river Ganges) gathered and met with the Supreme Soul God (Ocean) in His corporeal medium and received Varsa (Godly Inheritance of peace & salvation) face to face. The whole proceedings of transmiting Varsa through Drishti/divine vibrations are recorded in VCD noticed by all around thus revealing the presence of Supreme Soul God on earth.
It may be mentioned that during the shooting period of Copper Age the main seed souls and Adharmurth souls of religious Fathers like Ibrahim, Buddha and Jesus Christ would be revealed to Brahmin world at the appropriate time.

Shooting period of the Iron Age is 7 years from 2011-12 to 2018-2019.
The shooting period of the Iron Age has been fixed on the basis of the shooting period (28 years) of the Golden Age which is to be 4 times that of the Iron Age. So, as already stated above the shooting period of the Iron Age has been taken to be 7 years. The shooting period of the Iron Age will begin from the end of the shooting period of the Copper Age that is from 2011-2012 and will continue upto 2018-19.

The shooting of the Iron Age would also be in Satopradhan stage at the start as in the case with other Ages. In this starting year 2011-12 some noteable and important incidence would happen. In this year Vaishnav Devi from BKs will join Prajapita Brahma and be revealed as Vishnu to whole Brahmin world and sustenance of PBK souls of the Advance Party will be in full swing.
Vaishnav Devi will actually be revealed to PBK Brahmin souls in the year 2006-07 when 30 years of Shankar’s role will be completed and 30 years’ role of Vishnu will start. 

The shooting of the Iron Age has to end in 2018-19 by which time the present vicious and corrupt Iron Age will be destroyed and the new viceless and righteous world order will commence. In this pure new world order Radha & Krishna will be born in 2018-19, so that after 18 years that is in 2036-37 they can be crowned as Empress-Emperor,Laxmi-Narayana of the practical Golden Age of the new Kalpa of the world drama. In this year 2036-37 Vishnu’s role will also be completed.

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