Thursday 30 August 2012

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Shankar(Baap/Father of Humanity) in Deep Remembrance of The Supreme Soul God Father Shiva


In our earlier communication entitled “Godly Inheritance (Varsa) and World Transformation” it has been established that Supreme Soul God Father Shiva has been conferring Varsa (Godly Inheritance) through His corporeal medium PrajapitaBrahma, the Father of Humanity. And for attaining salvation (Mukti & JeevanMukti), peace & bliss of Paradise in this birth on this earth and Deity status for the Golden Age, we must meet Father of Humanity at least once and receive Varsathrough him. In what follows we have presented relevant Murli & Avyakt Vani points to identify this great personality from amongst all corporeal human beings.

The present corporeal personality of the Father of Humanity can be best known only through studying the Advance Spiritual Knowledge sermonized by the Supreme Soul God Shiva through him after the demise of Dada Lekhraj ( Brahma Baba). We shall present here some glimpses of this Advance Knowledge which is actually the explanation / clarification of Murlis and Avyakt Vanis that will throw light on the identification of this great personality.  Study of the Advance Knowledge is prerequisite for getting the fruits of the New World order Paradise / Golden Age in this very birth.

Supreme Soul God Shiva has been accomplishing His great task of transforming the present vicious world to Paradise / Golden Age by using Rama’s corporeal body as His medium and playing the wonderful role of Shanker / Prajapita Brahma through him. Thus ShankarPrajapita Brahma and Rama are one and the same personality of the Father of Humanity in the present world. First, we shall establish this fact. Then we shall identify the corporeal personality of the Father of Humanity or Prajapita on this earth. 

A: PrajapitaShankar and Rama are identical personality.

1.  “Father has explained that Shankar does not have much role to play with. He is in reality next to Shiv (God)”.  Murli: 8 March 1976.

2.  “Is not Prajapita Brahma too great a personality? He should be mentioned as next to God”. Murli : 20 November, 1976 & 27 November 1978.

3.  “Krishna is mentioned as next to God. Then in the second place come Lakshmi-Narayan, owner of the Golden Age”.  Murli : 8 January 1975.

4. “Prajapita Brahma who is mentioned as Rama is termed as great great grand Father. In human generation he is Prajapita (Father of Humanity)”.  Murli : 6 February 1976.

5. “Shivbaba is called by the name Rama, but they have understood him to be the Supreme Soul (Supreme Father)”.  Murli :14 April 1976 .

[Actually Supreme Soul God Shiva is called Shivbaba when He enters Rama’s body.Rama is not the Supreme Soul, he is only next to Supreme Soul God. In the similar manner, in another Murli, the Supreme Soul is mixed up with Shankar and calledShiv-Shankar].  

According to the above five murli points (at S.No. 1 to 5) ShankarRama, Krishna andPrajapita Brahma (the Father of Humanity) are all next to God and so are identical personality as there can be only one personality next to God. 

Now, Krishna and Dada Lekhraj (Brahma Baba) are one and the same soul. So thisKrishna i.e. Brahma Baba who is in subtle region now since his death in 1969 cannot be Prajapita Brahma as per murli point given below at S.No.6. So, Krishna mentioned in murli point at S.No.3 above is meant for some other soul. Who is that soul? Obviously Rama’s soul as clarified under murli point at S No. 7 below.

In the world drama Rama Prajapita Brahma) and Krishna (Brahma Baba) are the two main actors as hero & heroin, but they are not identical persons as evident frommurli point at S.No8 below. Krishna (Dada Lekhraj / Brahma Baba) even after death has been continuing his incomplete role even now through Rama (after entering his body) and would become Narayana in Golden Age. An indication of this is there inmurli point at S.No. 3 above saying, “ in the second place Lakshmi-Naraynan the owner of Golden Age", which is substantiated by murli point at S.No.7 given below where it is mentioned that Radha-Krishna becomes Lakshmi-Narayan and Ram-Sitatheir parents would be their best Das-Dasi ( parents take care of their children as best servants, that is Das-Dasi).

6.  “I will definitely come in Brahma’s body to bestow upon you the godly inheritance (Varsa), this is Prajapita Brahma. Brahma living in subtle region cannot be calledPrajapita. Will he at all create the subjects (Praja) there? We Brahma Kumar /Kumaris are existing in corporeal form, so Prajapita Brahma also is existing in corporeal from. Sit and understand this deep secret”.   Murli : 4 November 1972.

7.  “Question arises whether Ram-Sita come in Satyuga (Golden Age)? Yes, they do come, but after being failed. So, successfully passed Lakshmi-Narayan (of Golden Age)get applause. Those who are Radha-Krishna become Lakshmi-Narayana (because they passed). Ram-Sita become their best of the best servants”.  Murli : 7 June 1973.

[Father says parents are the first class Dasdasi (servants) who take care of everything of their children. In the Golden Age Ram-Sita are the parents of Radha-Krishna asthey are their best Dasdasi].

[Radha-Krishna (Om Radhey and Brahma Baba) of Satyuga cannot be Lakshmi-Narayna of Confluence Age as both of them now are in subtle region after their death.Sita-Ram are the Lakshmi-Narayana of the Confluence Age].

8.  “He bestows Varsa to Brahma Kumar / Kumaris through Prajapita Brahma.Shivbaba creates Brahmin clan through Brahma (Brahma Baba)”.  Murli : 1 March 1976 .

[This murli point clearly indicates that Brahma Baba (Krishna) and PrajapitaBrahma (Rama) are not identical persons].  

B: Identification of Father of Humanity 


1.  “Baba (Brahma Baba) had the vision of creation and destruction. But at the initial stage he could not realize that he himself would become Vishnu”.  Murli: 7 May 1973.

[Hence, who is the personality that explained the mystery of vision to Dada Lekhraj(Brahma Baba)? He was Ramsevak (Rama’s soul) Dada Lekhraj’s partner in Jewelry business in Calcutta].

2.  “He was associated there for 10 years. (She) often used go into the trance. They even tutored Mamma and Baba. Father (Supreme Soul) entering them used to give directions. So high was their status. Today they are no more. At that time so much of knowledge was not there”.  Murli: 23 July 1969.

[That veteran personality was associated with Brahma Baba for 10 years either as business partner or in yagna (Om Mandali) and at least one mother (mentioned as she in this murli) was there. Shivababa used to direct Brahma Baba and Om Radhey after entering the bodies of these two personalities. Who are they? ]

3.  “Very good children played excellent roles for 5–10 years, and then admitted defeat”.  Murli: 8 July 1978.

[Since 1936-37 these souls (children) were associated with yagna for 5–10 years. After that they left their mortal coils. Because, Brahmin children who loved knowledge could not continue without the diet of knowledge and at that time adequate knowledge was not there. Reference of such souls are there in Murlis]. 

4.  “Total knowledge was not there at the beginning. Hence a few (souls) resigned”. Murli: 12 May 1973.

5.  “Ramachandra had to bear with the punishment also, because he could not pass and hence he is shown with the arrow in hand”.  Murli: 5 January 1975.

[At the very beginning of yagna this special soul was Rama. He left his mortal coil due to the paucity of knowledge but as for the conditions laid down in Murli point at S.No.7 given below the souls who left the mortal coil at the beginning of yagna will rejoin the yagna after taking fresh birth].

6.  “Only the earliest one to enter the yagna will be there till the end of it. Is not it a wonderful game?”  Murli: 6 March 1973 .

[It is being mentioned that those who arrived earliest in the yagna will be there till the end. It is known that the duration of the Confluence Age is 100 years. Normal human beings do not generally live for 100 years. Hence a few souls have to leave mortal coil and re-enter the yagna with new bodies].

7.  “The children who left their mortal coils will surely return to the Brahmin clan.” Murli : 17 February 1974.

[The soul of Rama as per the conditions of the Murlis has entered the yagna with a new body. Hints regarding the present age of Rama and Sita has been given in theMurli of 1967 revised in 1975 given below].

8.  “Those who expired at the early stage of yagna again might have grown up to 20 years (some one) or 25 years (another). They might have taken their admission to the knowledge.”  Murli: 17 February 1975.

[This Murli dated 17 February 1975 is the Revised Version of the original Murlisermonized in 1967].

[This Murli point reveals that a few of those who left their mortal coil earlier has taken fresh birth and in the year 1967 the age of one was 20 years and of another was 25 years. Soul of Rama left the body in 1942 and in 1967 he must have been 25 years old and now i.e. in the year 2002 his age would be 60 years].

In 1967 a good number of Brahma Kumars were 25 years old. How to ascertain who was Rama among them? Hence Baba has given the indication about his birthplace in several Murlis. Some are given below:

9.  (A):  “Just as the resident of Farrukhabad say we remember that master but in reality Lakshmi-Narayan become the master of creation. However, Shivbaba does not become the master. Then ask them whether that master is corporeal or incorporeal? In the corporeal world incorporeal cannot become the master. [Shivbaba is incorporeal]”.  Murlis: 12 January 1978 & 14 January 1973.

      (B):  “Baba is the master of the entire unlimited world and (God) Father of all the souls. Father (Father of Humanity) is called the master. (That) master is reckoned around Farrukhabad. The master of the home is father only”.  Murli: 10 April 1978.

      (C):   “At Farrukhabad only the master is obeyed. They realized that, that master is everything for them”.   Murli: 22 February 1978.

[There are so many cities in India, but strangely enough Shivbaba took the name ofFarrukhabad town only where people very much obey the master? Why? The reason is that the master of the human world was born in that district town Farrukhabad of U.P., and while remaining in corporeal body he transformed himself from man toNarayana]. 

10.  “Supreme Soul comes to the land named Magadh Desh (the piece of land in between the river Ganga and Yamuna in U.P.)”.  Murli: 17 August 1971.

[The piece of land Magadh Desh is located in Uttar Pradesh, (U.P.) in India.Farrukhabad is also in Magadh Desh. When God Father Shiva entered Dada Lekhraj(Brahma Baba), at that time he used to stay at Karachi and later shifted to Mount Abu, Rajasthan, India. Neither Karachi nor Mount Abu is known as Magad Desh].

11.  God Father Shiva has also given indication in the Murli regarding the spiritual birth place of the Father of Humanity as under:

Ahmedabad has to do maximum service because Ahmedabad is the seed of all thecentres. The seed contains maximum power. Try to raise great commotion so that those who are in deep slumber should wake up”. Avyakt Vani: 24 January 1970.

[Why the centre (Padle centre) in Ahmedabad has been declared as the seed of allcentres? It is because the seed of human creation, Rama took his spiritual rebirth in 1969 at this centre. At the beginning of the yagna Brahma Baba received sustenance from this special soul (Sevakram/Rama’s soul). Brahma Baba established this seed centre utilizing the money of Madhuban out of gratefulness towards him].

12.         “I do come in a body of commoner who is neither very poor nor very rich”.  Murli: 26 April 1975.

[Was Brahma Baba’s body ordinary? No, he was an extremely handsome person. Moreover, he was actually a rich jeweler. In fact, Supreme Soul God did not enter him to manifest His fatherly role but entered him to play great mother's role to establish the Brahmin clan while in Mount AbuIndia. Brahma means big Mother, the greatest. The role of Father was played through Shankar].

13.  “There he is incorporeal, prideless, and absolutely free of vanity. Dress etc has remained the same, has not changed”.  Murli: 8 April 1974.

[It is indicated that the person who will play the role of Shankar will be incorporeal, egoless. Reference to his clothes indicates that his dress has not changed i.e. the dress he used in the previous and the present birth is the same].

14.  “How to understand that Almighty Father is in him? When He delivers the knowledge”.  Murli: 27 October 1974.

[How to know that Supreme Soul God Father has entered him? It is understood only when He delivers knowledge. When He delivers explanation / clarification of the knowledge contained in Murlis / Avyakt Vanis it becomes clear that no human being can deliver such exquisite knowledge of fathomless depth and that must have been sermonized by the Supreme Father God through him].

15.  “That true Master (Preceptor/ Satguru) Himself gives His introduction after entering human body”.  Murli: 8 October 1974.

[Unless God Father gives His introduction we cannot recognize Him].
It is now understood that Supreme Soul God Shiva has been playing the role of Father of Humanity and of Shankar through a corporeal personality. This corporeal personality was born in Farrukhabad of UP, his spiritual birthplace had beenAhmedabad and his age in the year 1967 must have been 25 years. His mental stage would be incorporeal and free from ego. His appearance and dress would be simple. And through him the explanation / clarification of Murlis and Aayat Vanis, known asAdvance Knowledge (True Gita gyan of 18 Chapters) are being sermonized by the Supreme Soul God Shiva. All the above mentioned conditions have to be applicable for only one personality, the Father of Humanity. Shivbaba does not directly mention the name, but only gives hints/indications that are enough for knowing the true Brahmin souls who would belong to deity clan. Hints/indications given in the aforesaid Murliand Avyakt Vani points clearly indicate that this personality, the Father of Humanity of this corporeal world is Shri Virendra Deo Dixit of Farrukhabad district in UP, the founder of Adhyatmik Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya and is NONE else. 

 Father of Humanity in complete Soul Consciousness Stage and Deep Meditation

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